
This section gives a brief overview on how to use Sickle for querying OAI interfaces.

OAI-PMH Primer

This section gives a basic overview of the Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). For more detailed information, please refer to the protocol specification.

Glossary of Important OAI-PMH Concepts

A repository is a server-side application that exposes metadata via OAI-PMH.
OAI-PMH client applications like Sickle are called harvesters.
A record is the XML-encoded container for the metadata of a single publication item. It consists of a header and a metadata section.
The record header contains a unique identifier and a datestamp.
The record metadata contains the publication metadata in a defined metadata format.
A structure for grouping records for selective harvesting.
The process of requesting records from the repository by the harvester.

OAI Verbs

OAI-PMH features six main API methods (so-called “OAI verbs”) that can be issued by harvesters. Some verbs can be combined with further arguments:

Returns information about the repository. Arguments: None.

Returns a single record. Arguments:

  • identifier (the unique identifier of the record, required)
  • metadataPrefix (the prefix identifying the metadata format, required)

Returns the records in the repository in batches (possibly filtered by a timestamp or a set). Arguments:

  • metadataPrefix (the prefix identifying the metadata format, required)
  • from (the earliest timestamp of the records, optional)
  • until (the latest timestamp of the records, optional)
  • set (a set for selective harvesting, optional)
  • resumptionToken (used for getting the next result batch if the number of records returned by the previous request exceeds the repository’s maximum batch size, exclusive)
Like ListRecords but returns only the record headers.
Returns the list of sets supported by this repository. Arguments: None
Returns the list of metadata formats supported by this repository. Arguments: None

Metadata Formats

OAI interfaces may expose metadata records in multiple metadata formats. These formats are identified by so-called “metadata prefixes”. For instance, the prefix oai_dc refers to the OAI-DC format, which by definition has to be exposed by every valid OAI interface. OAI-DC is based on the 15 metadata elements specified in the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.


Sickle only supports the OAI-DC format out of the box. See section XXX for how to extend Sickle for retrieving metadata in other formats.

Initialize an OAI Interface

To make a connection to an OAI interface, you need to import the Sickle object:

>>> from sickle import Sickle

Next, you can initialize the connection by passing it the basic URL. In our example, we use the OAI interface of the ELIS repository:

>>> sickle = Sickle('http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/cgi/oai2')

Issuing Requests

Now you are set to issue some requests. Sickle provides methods for each of the six OAI verbs (ListRecords, GetRecord, Idenitfy, ListSets, ListMetadataFormats, ListIdentifiers). Start with a ListRecords request:

>>> records = sickle.ListRecords(metadataPrefix='oai_dc')

Note that all keyword arguments you provide to this function are passed to the OAI interface as HTTP parameters. Therefore our example request results in verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc. Consequently, we can add additional parameters, like set for example:

>>> records = sickle.ListRecords(metadataPrefix='oai_dc', set='driver')

Using the from Parameter

If you need to perform selective harvesting by date using the from parameter, you will run into problems though, since from is a reserved word in Python:

>>> records = sickle.ListRecords(metadataPrefix='oai_dc', from="2012-12-12")
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    records = sickle.ListRecords(metadataPrefix='oai_dc', from="2012-12-12")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Fortunately, you can circumvent this problem by using a dictionary together with the ** operator:

>>> records = sickle.ListRecords(
...     **{'metadataPrefix': 'oai_dc',
...       'from': '2012-12-12'
...       }
... )

Iterative Harvesting

Sickle lets you conveniently iterate through resumption batches without having to deal with resumptionTokens yourself:

>>> records = sickle.ListRecords(metadataPrefix='oai_dc')
>>> records.next()
<Record oai:eprints.rclis.org:4088>

Note that this works with all requests that return more than one element. These are: ListRecords(), ListIdentifiers(), ListSets(), and ListMetadataFormats().

Iterating through the headers returned by ListIdentifiers:

>>> headers = sickle.ListIdentifiers(metadataPrefix='oai_dc')
>>> headers.next()
<Header oai:eprints.rclis.org:4088>

Or through the sets returned by ListSets:

>>> sets = sickle.ListSets()
>>> sets.next()
<Set Status = In Press>

Getting a Single Record

OAI-PMH allows you to get a single record by using the GetRecord verb. And so does Sickle:

>>> sickle.GetRecord(identifier='oai:eprints.rclis.org:4088',
...            metadataPrefix='oai_dc')
<Record oai:eprints.rclis.org:4088>

Ignoring Deleted Records

The ListRecords() and ListIdentifiers() methods take an optional parameter ignore_deleted. If it is set to True, the returned OAIIterator will skip deleted records/headers:

>>> records = sickle.ListRecords(metadataPrefix='oai_dc', ignore_deleted=True)